Donald Brydon

2449 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Oozi Cats and the FBI & why Telit could well be tits up within weeks

The failure of the LSE to insist that hapless Nomad FinnCap forces Telit (TCM) to bring in a firm like KPMG to conduct a full forensic review will hurt it even more when this company goes tits up as I noted in a letter to Stock Exchange boss Donald Brydon earlier today HERE.  Two sources tell me that the FBI may have bad news for the Boston fraudster Oozi Cats and his Mrs as I explain in this podcast. But the meat of the podcast is explaining why Telit will go tits up and why that could be within six weeks. Enjoy


2449 days ago

A letter to the chairman of the London Stock Exchange - why no independent review of the Telit fraud?

You may remember that at the last AGM of the London Stock Exchange (LSE) its chairman,, Donald Brydon CBE, 'fessed up to being a ShareProphets reader and as we chatted afterwards he came over as a thoroughly decent man. But he has, yet again, been failed by his minions in their handling of the biggest AIM fraud of the year, so far, Telit (TCM). Lowly gofers such as the head of AIM Regulation, the fake Sheriff Mr Marcus Stuttad,  have allowed Telit to avoid any independent scrutiny of its accounts & business practices despite clear evidence of fraud. That has to change and maybe Brydon will push for that. I have sent him a letter.


2927 days ago

Stock Exchange chairman Brydon tells AGM he reads Tom Winnifrith - as AIM Sheriff quizzes board

Not only did I get into the AGM of the London Stock Exchange (LSE) but in response to one of my two questions chairman Donald Brydon fessed up to being a reader of my work, saying how glad he was that I had got in this year. And as I chatted to my new best friend afterwards up wandered the bogus Sheriff, Marcus Stuttard, head of the oxymorons at AIM Regulation and guess what?...He's a reader too.
